Todays Project - What did you do today?
Damn!! Now I have to make one of the v-block holders, like the green one in f350ca's post, for my shaper.
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(03-12-2016, 09:38 AM)Mayhem Wrote: I made a firing pin removal tool for a Lee Enfield No.4 Mk1 rifle for a friend today.  I also machined one end of the handle to mate with the (reverse) screw that holds the foresight blade in position.  The shank is made from O1 steel and has been hardened and tempered (hence the discolouration).  It is ready for cleaning and bluing, which he is taking care of.  Sorry for the crappy picture.  I'll post one of when it comes back from bluing.

Nicely done Darren. Smiley-signs107

Good choice on the material and heat treat. Those front sight screws can be a real PITA to get loose when they haven't moved for decades!
Thanks given by: Mayhem
Nice work Darren Smiley-signs107
 a child of the 60's and 50's and a bit of the 40's Smile
Thanks given by: Mayhem
I've spent the majority of the day, so far in the continuing quest to get better lighting in the shop.  So far about half of the light have gone from florescent and incandescent to LED. As the shop is a black hole, where light goes to disappear, it seems to be brighter and a better quality of light.
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(03-12-2016, 02:59 PM)the penguin Wrote: I've spent the majority of the day, so far in the continuing quest to get better lighting in the shop.  So far about half of the light have gone from florescent and incandescent to LED. As the shop is a black hole, where light goes to disappear, it seems to be brighter and a better quality of light.


What type of LED lighting are you using? I need to light up the new shop area and I'd rather use LED lights if I can.

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I'm using a CF that draws about 100 watts and gives the equivalent of a 440W light. It's like daylight in here. The neighbor has two of them in his wood shop, when both are lit, from the outside it looks like a nuclear event is going on in there.
Logan 200, Index 40H Mill, Boyer-Shultz 612 Surface Grinder, HF 4x6 Bandsaw, a shear with no name, ...
the nobucks boutique etsy shop  |  the nobucks boutique
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For some of the existing fixtures, I've gone to the GE Stik-Lites (sold only through Home Depot, for now), a lot brighter tha normal bulbs, I have 6 LED fixtures on order, they look like a 4 bulb, 4' florescent fixture, but the bulbs are really a strip of LEDs. I ordered them at the last CNY Farm Show, at a ridiculous price of $20/ea. Suppose to be here in a couple of weeks.
Thanks given by: EdK
The LED's don't hold a candle to the CFL's. Smile
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(03-13-2016, 08:19 AM)Sunset Machine Wrote: The LED's don't hold a candle to the CFL's. Smile

CFLs are what I'm taking out, I guess its a personal preference, I don't care for the light given off by the CFLs, seems too yellow to me. The LEDs are a lot brighter.
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(03-13-2016, 08:19 AM)Sunset Machine Wrote: The LED's don't hold a candle to the CFL's. Smile

I have to disagree with that. I much prefer LEDs over CFL. Smiley-gen163

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