Press brake for 20 ton hydraulic press
(07-06-2014, 10:55 AM)arvidj Wrote:
starlight_tools Wrote:Arvid

What is the diameter and C-C distance of the two round bars that are used as the bottom dies on your unit?

Also do you know how heavy of plate it was rated to break?




I do not remember what they claimed it was capable of bending. I remember seeing charts that suggest the thickness and width that 20 tons will bend but I can't find the link at the moment.

Here is a picture with the small die in place. You can see it just fits between the two rods that are welded to the base plate.

Here is a picture with the small die removed.

I measured the width of the small die so that defines ... more or less ... the gap between the two rods.

And then I measured the diameter of the rod. Note that I must have hit the reset when I went to take the picture but it was 1 inch in diameter.

I hope that helps.



I found my charts and here is the correlation between top width and capacity. Any die under 1" is 90 Deg, and over is 85 Deg.

1-1/4" with 3/16R 9 Ga
1-1/2" with 3/16R 3/16
2" with 7/32R 1/4
2-1/2" with 1/4R 5/16
3" with 5/16R 3/8
4" with 3/8R 1/2

The round bar that I have set aside for this project is 1-3/4 " dia.

I figure that if I mount them 6" C-C gives me 4-1/4 opening and if I mount them on top of 3/4" flat bars, I should be able to handle 5/8 plate, based on using a press that is 50 Ton. Then I can have a drop in die like yours for the smaller sizes.

starlight_tools, proud to be a member of Metalworking Forum since Apr 2012.
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5/8" plate and 50 tons - WOW!
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(07-07-2014, 03:44 PM)DaveH Wrote: 5/8" plate and 50 tons - WOW!

there is a limit as to how wide you can bend 5/8 at 50 Ton, and I doubt I would ever need to bend that wide or that thick about 3" wide with a die that is 10" at the top, but should have no problem with 1/2" x 10 inch as per the quote I got from Iroquois Iron when I inquired about there commercial 24" bender for a client based on a 4" die or 3/8" x 18" with a 3" die.

starlight_tools, proud to be a member of Metalworking Forum since Apr 2012.
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I decided to make a couple of removable bottom dies. 'Make' ...... well I cut the angle iron to length and painted them. Smile
The smaller angle fits in side the larger angle the idea being to get a smaller radius on thin material - 2mm thick.
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That's a good idea Dave thanks6799
mfletch, Try to do the best you can and that's good enough
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I (we) did some bending 3 pieces 100mm wide x 150mm long x 2mm thick ordinary sheet steel.
They came out quite good the press brake made a nice job of them. The guy I was bending them for was very happy which at the end of the day is all that counts Smile 


However it is not that easy to judge when it is at 90 deg took 3 -4 goes per piece.

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Smiley-signs107 Dave.

That reminds me that I've got to get my press brake put together. Welding weather should be starting soon.

Thanks given by: DaveH
There are no welding seasons Ed - procrastination is not weather either Big Grin
Hunting American dentists since 2015.
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Darren, I'm sure he meant "whether" as in "whether to weld or not" Blush


Busy Bee 12-36 lathe, Busy Bee Mill drill, Busy Bee 4x6 bandsaw, Homemade 9x17 bandsaw, Ad infinitum.
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Very nice job Dave.  Smiley-eatdrink004 

So....... those welds held up after all eh?  Rotfl  Rotfl   Rotfl 
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