12-24-2024, 02:35 AM
(12-23-2024, 06:08 PM)arvidj Wrote: I agree with the WD-40 for aluminum and have used Tap Magic for many years. BUT …
I recently saw a YouTube’r using Anchorlube (damn’d if I can remember which one) and decided to get a bottle and give it a try. I’ve not had a chance to use it yet but will be in the next few days. I’ll let you know, and try to remember where\who I saw using it. IIRC, it looked to be thicker than Tap Magic.
Stan Zinkowsky started promoting Anchorlube on his YouTube channel many years ago and later became a distributor for them. Several other YouTubers have also jumped on the bandwagon since then.
You used to be able to go to the Anchor website and request a free 2 ounce sample bottle. I don't know if that offer is still good these days.