Milling machine coolant tray
(04-23-2013, 02:16 PM)DaveH Wrote: That is very smart Dave Smiley-signs107 Thumbsup
Do you have a bending machine, just wondering how you bent it all up.
And who drilled all those holes in the drain pans? Big Grin

Thanks Dave,
Sorry I missed you question.
The for the compliment, it took a bit of designing and there was nothing on the internet to copy as no one seems to have made anything similar. There are plenty of Bridgeport bases that just sit around the base, but they still drain back to the base which I didn't want.
I have 2mm steel sheet here that I could have used, but I wanted it light so I can carry it outside to degrease and wash out and also use the magnetic pick up tool as I mainly do steel. I can carry this with one hand even with the wings, though they easily come off if I want.

I have a home made 4ft bender that I picked up for $10 at a garage sale.
I does OK, but has a bit of a roll to the corner in the center, so it need reinforcing a bit more. It does what I want and you really need to look hard for the difference so maybe I am just being picky.

The drain holes didn't take long at all, once I gridded them up to 15mm squares with a pencil it all went quick on the pedestal drill.
I was looking on line for some sheet with holes in it, but like everything it's expensive over here. It turned out better than buying it as the bought stuff would have had hole where I bent it at the edges.

I will snap some pictures tomorrow of the folder, I have been promising a member on another forum to take some as well.
It might give some guys ideas to build one as it's really simple.

I still need to paint the tray, just have to work out what colour to paint it.
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Thanks guys, it's good to get a bit of feed back on projects.
I was totally over making it by the time it was finished as it ended up a bigger job than I thought. The black sealer was the worse and just putting the main tray together after all the holes where drilled with the sealer took around 5 hours as the stuff ended up everywhere I looked and needed turps to get it off. It was on my hands for days as it stained, LOL

When ever I make anything I try to aim for it to look factory. In the past I have shown mates things I have made and they haven't believed me, then I go and get some off cuts or something from in the shed that it was cut out of to convince them I made it.

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A really good job Dave Smiley-signs107 looks spectacular Thumbsup
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