My week this week! My workshop videos!
Hi All, This week I finally get to the bottom of an ongoing water pump problem on my rainwater recycling system at the workshop! I get it all running beautifully, but don't find anything that I can put hand on heart and say that it was definitely the problem, apart from the old pump being damp internally but still running as long as it was on a non rcd circuit!! I shall dry it out and keep it as a spare. We spent Monday and Tueasday(in the rain) dismantling and transporting another dog run from the next village (2 miles away) to Langtoft and start to level for the base, luckily this is a steel bolt together affair which we will complete next week, and then NO MORE KENNELS!! back onto field work, which means more time in the workshop now that the monsoon has started! The humidity turns us into slow motion workers! 
Phil, in the outdoor sauna in East Yorkshire!

Man who say it cannot be done should not disturb man doing it!
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RE: My week this week! My workshop videos! - by hermetic - 07-29-2023, 02:11 PM

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