I bite the bullet once again, and take off the PTO shaft to relieve the tight bearing, which is nylon to metal, and will melt and self destruct if it is not right. I get the charging circuit working, although not at low rpm, but many fordson owners tell me that is how they are ! There may be a new regulator in the near future, as setting the old one up again when it is on the tractor is not easy access! Touch the paintwork up, and then as some light relief, I make a pair of moulding flasks for the copper casting experiment, It's all in my week this week!
Phil, in overcast, cool and cloudy East Yorkshire, Harvest is ON!
Phil, in overcast, cool and cloudy East Yorkshire, Harvest is ON!
Man who say it cannot be done should not disturb man doing it! https://www.youtube.com/user/philhermetic/videos?