My now late wife & I agreed to buy me a roll top desk for me when I finished my doctorate. Well time went by and other things took priority and the idea just got lost in the day to day activities. So, I decided to buy myself a retirement present. I wanted Gerstner tool chests for as long as I've been in the trade. They are solid cherry and absolutely beautiful. The Pro Series Chest in cherry is out of stock, but should be available soon.
Yes I will be taking it to Manila with me as I'm also taking a Chicago Lathe Bridgemill so I can make model steam engines and train engines and cars. I'll buy a 3 bedroom condo and knock out the wall between 2 of the bedrooms to create my Hobby room/Man cave. Since I can no longer lift anything more than 20 lbs this will keep me off the streets and out of the bars (some of the time anyways)