New-to-me MTI Qualos surface grinder
I bit the bullet yesterday afternoon and ground the surface of the mag chuck. Having watched Steve's videos (Viperspit) along with some of those from Suburban Tool, and having found a 46j wheel among my pile, I figured it was time.
I found it was quite low on the right-hand end as well as having a big dip in the middle, didn't measure the unevenness as I went, just kept taking .02mm passes until I was contacting over the whole surface. From memory, I think it was only four passes after hitting the high area at the left-hand end that it was grinding all over.

I ground the top and face of the rear fence after reinstalling it.
I ran over the chuck with a .002mm DTI this morning, it has no more than one graduation of variation over the entire surface, that's somewhere in the vicinity of .0001".  Thumbsup  I think the machine is now capable of doing accurate work, wish I could say the same thing for the bloke operating it.
The surface finish is nothing to write home about but I figure the flatness is the important thing. There are a few deep score marks, as well as a groove along the top surface of the fence. Again, I don't think these will affect the work; experienced operators may be able to tell me otherwise.
In the bottom photo you can see a gouge mark in the very corner of the chuck at the right-hand front corner- the front edge of the chuck is at the very limit of the Y-axis travel and the table lifted into the wheel as I went to wind it in for one more pass. The chuck occupies pretty much the entire available travel in both directions, it was only just possible to get the chuck clear of the wheel at each end.

Thanks Steve (Viperspit) for the videos that gave me the confidence to attack this.
Lathe (n); a machine tool used in the production of milling machine components.

Milling Machine (n); a machine tool used in the production of lathe components.
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Messages In This Thread
New-to-me MTI Qualos surface grinder - by Pete O - 05-20-2017, 07:51 AM
RE: New-to-me MTI Qualos surface grinder - by Pete O - 08-04-2017, 10:39 PM
RE: New-to-me MTI Qualos surface grinder - by EdK - 08-19-2017, 08:16 PM

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