Need a source for small plastic bins ...
hi just a bit of info film container's  the type you once got for your camera make good small parts container's and you can get them for free and as for larger container's try you local takeaway this is for us that's in the uk as they supply the food in plastic container's with lids so you can ether have lodes of  takeaway's or see if you can by sum off them a nuther alternative is your police to get in touch with their c.s.i  people and you may think I have gone mad  but no they use all sorts of different size plastic  container's   and just like the film canisters once watt is in side has bin prosiest the container is thrown a way
krv3000, proud to be a member of MetalworkingFun Forum since Feb 2012.
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RE: Need a source for small plastic bins ... - by krv3000 - 12-28-2015, 03:50 PM

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