Nice work Dave! I recently had a stone mason guy come over and rebuild a collapsed POS stone wall in my back yard (a.k.a. "garden.)
The original stone wall was only about 65 years old, but it was poorly made and the soil behind it knocked it down. The new one is also a dry stone wall, but has pea stone added behind, below and within it for drainage and for keeping soil from leaching in. This prevents the shifting that the freezing cycles cause. The new wall is also twice as thick as the old one, and is promised to last hundreds of years. I paid the guy $1800 for 4 days of two guys working, so it seems like a bargain for this quality.
The original stone wall was only about 65 years old, but it was poorly made and the soil behind it knocked it down. The new one is also a dry stone wall, but has pea stone added behind, below and within it for drainage and for keeping soil from leaching in. This prevents the shifting that the freezing cycles cause. The new wall is also twice as thick as the old one, and is promised to last hundreds of years. I paid the guy $1800 for 4 days of two guys working, so it seems like a bargain for this quality.