Tool Log - Database
Hi Sunset,

I have no knowledge about Linux or what would be involved in running my tool log on a system other than Windows running Access. The database has always worked on 32 bit systems and the update is only to the code to allow it to run on 64 bit systems.

I'm running it on XP with Access 2003 but it will run on newer versions. I'm unsure if your system can run split databases such as this one but that is a wild guess.

I'm sorry but I cannot provide any help or suggestions in this instance.
Hunting American dentists since 2015.
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Linux has nothing to do with any of this, I only mentioned it because of the 64-bit stuff which turns out to be same same never mind the same. So never mind that. Smile

What I was really trying to say is that lobase & kexi (from the LibreOffice & Calligra office suites) are free database systems (for Windows, Mac, whatever) that are *supposed* to run Access files (and Word and Excel and and). Can you "export" Tool Log to an older version of Access for me? 1997 rings a bell for some reason.
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Just trying to confuse me!

PM me with your email address and I'll send you a copy of the database with the front and back ends merged (as this may be an issue) in both Access 97 and 2000 format.

When I saved it as 97, it told me I am missing a specific library, so it may not work. I don't have a copy of Access 97, so I cannot save it with the specific library it wants. The other version is saved in Access 2000, which is what I must have started development in. Although I'm currently using Access 2003 in my shop.
Hunting American dentists since 2015.
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(11-24-2013, 09:59 AM)EdK Wrote: Darren,

What timing. I've been thinking about that database lately. I'll test it out and let you know how it goes.


Ed - I look forward to any feedback you can provide me with on the 64 bit compatibility. If it works, I'd really like to send it on to Tom, as this was the breaking point for him. I haven't seen him online for ages, so I hope he is still OK. I know he had a MI some time back and recovery can be slow (if at all).

I'm also working on revising the manual and when I have some time I'll develop some reports.

Edit: to fix a typo.
Hunting American dentists since 2015.
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(11-25-2013, 05:18 AM)Mayhem Wrote:
(11-24-2013, 09:59 AM)EdK Wrote: Darren,

What timing. I've been thinking about that database lately. I'll test it out and let you know how it goes.


Ed - I look forward to any feedback you can provide me with on the 64 bit compatibility. If it works, I'd really like to send it on to Tom, as this was the breaking point for him. I haven't seen him online for ages, so I hope he is still OK. I know he had a CVA some time back and recovery can be slow (if at all).

I'm also working on revising the manual and when I have some time I'll develop some reports.


I did run the program and it started up fine. I didn't have time to play with it at all though. The manual wasn't in the ZIP file. I assume it hasn't changed since the last version though. I probably won't be able to get to playing with the program until next weekend, which is a four day weekend for me because of the Thanksgiving Day holiday this Thursday.

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Thanks Ed - if it fires up and doesn't throw an error then I think the issue is resolved. The functionality hasn't changed, so the current manual is fine. I'm just tidying up some things and make it a little more streamlined.

If I put the manual into the zip file it tips it over the 3.5k limit. So, it is easier to post the manual separately. I'm going to add an alternative version of the back end, with all the tables unpopulated. This will give people the option of having a clean slate on which to build their own categories and sub categories. Presently, the back end includes automotive and machinist categories which I imagine would suit most people. However, I remember the Tony Wells asked me if he could share it with some of the people on an antique radio (I think) forum. In that case, those categories may not be be so useful.
Hunting American dentists since 2015.
Thanks given by: EdK
PM sent, thank you.
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I tried loading the database into LibreOffice and it was a no-go. I think there's some VBA code running that LibreOffice can't convert. Just a WAG though.

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I tried to load the 97 version as a file based DB, but lobase complained and said to open it as JDBC and then needed a jdbc server. Or something - maybe Mayhem's missing library is confusing things. Bash
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Right, Darren. We were looking for something to help organize inventories of electronic components such as tubes, capacitors, resistors, transformers, and speakers...things like that. I haven't been able to spend a lot of time working on it within those parameters, but was planning on a winter slowdown project doing it.

You have released a newer version?
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