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My week this week! My workshop videos! - Printable Version

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RE: My week this week! My workshop videos! - hermetic - 06-10-2023

Hi all! We continue with the kennel building, and finally get the measure of it! The first thing you do with any sort of construction, is start from a level site! There are no level sites in Langtoft so we have to build level(ish) on a slope, but using square front galve bar panels with doors in, which means we get the effect of terraced houses that run up a hill, each is higher than the last! Once we complete the first one and get some diagonal strenghteners in, it all falls into place, and continues apace Tuesday we go to Millington woods for my wifes Birthday treat, and spend a wonderful after noon almost by ourselves in woodland so secluded we almost failed to find it! The only other people there happened to be, coincidentally, one of my Daughters uni mates, and a fun day out was had by all!
Phil, in cloudy but warm East Yorkshire.

RE: My week this week! My workshop videos! - hermetic - 06-17-2023

Hi all! It has been really hot, so if I don't make a lot of sense through the video it is the heat getting to me! 30 deg C on Friday, and we gave up trying to work!We salvaged a load more wood and cleared more mess up to get it! Kennel number 1 is complete less roof, and we are going for a finish in the cooler weather forecast for next week. We are both exhausted! 
Phil, in sweltering  East Yorkshire. 

RE: My week this week! My workshop videos! - hermetic - 06-24-2023

Another very hot week of field work on the kennels, which thank the lord are nearing completion! Now we know the construction method we can get straight on to construction without too much thinking time! Enjoy my cab ride in the engine at the Yorkshire Wolds railway! Unlike most heritage railways, this one has been rebuilt in an empty field where there used to be a railway line from Driffield to Malton, no taking over an existing line and rolling stock fror these true enthusiasts, they started with nowt and have created a railway out of it! Look them up  @YWRailway  and come for a look and a ride! Tell them I sent you!! Phil, in sweltering Torremalangtoft!

RE: My week this week! My workshop videos! - hermetic - 07-01-2023

Hi all! A week of steamy tropical humidity, not easy to work in, and we had to struggle on! Days missed due to rain and hospital appointments, But still we persevere! This week we have the luxury of a cameraman for a day, so you get to see me and cousin Keith actually working! If we don't get this project finished by next friday we will both go insane, , some would say it is far too late for that, others would throw there hands in the air and wander off muttering under their breath, I seem to do a lot of muttering lately......
Phil, in the East Yorkshire rain forest, slowly steaming!

RE: My week this week! My workshop videos! - hermetic - 07-15-2023

Hi all! Another week of steamy tropical humidity, not easy to work in, but we had to struggle on! Days missed due to plasterboarding the ceiling at home on Monday, and forgetting my camera Tuesday! We finally move the tenants into kennel #1, and thus free up the last pair of metal bars to complete #3. Friday we finally crack and go to town to buy more fence rails which are our main constructional timber, based on the realisation that we can save much time and sweating by not having to make do and mend with our dwindling supply of 12' lengths! We get a bargain by buying up some "wonky" ones as well at half price, as the chicken run fence steps down a slope so will have to be done with six foot lengths! We may yet need more roof sheets, but we will know that next week! 
Phil in steamy but glorious East Yorkshire. 

RE: My week this week! My workshop videos! - hermetic - 07-15-2023

Hi All,
 Crazy crazy weather, June was flaming, as its legend goes, and now July is overcast, chilly and wet! We dance between the rain and get in a good week! The roof is finished, the wire is finished, but the rain comes down friday afternoon  and we don't  get the plastic sheets on.  No matter, now we are so close to complete we can taste freedom again! Next week, plastic sheets on, gutter on, and finally felt the roof, but we have to get the felt, nails and compound first!
phil, in Damp miserable East Yorkshire

RE: My week this week! My workshop videos! - hermetic - 07-29-2023

Hi All, The Kennels are finished all bar the roof felt, and are fully occupied, so we move on to the Chicken run, then it rained, and rained! July is monsoon season in East Yorkshire! We get most of the chicken run fence completed, and I do some workshop repairs which involve.......water pumps! I manage to get quite wet in the workshop!. Never mind, we are all moving forwards! 
Phil, in monsoon struck East Yorkshire!

RE: My week this week! My workshop videos! - hermetic - 07-29-2023

Hi All, This week I finally get to the bottom of an ongoing water pump problem on my rainwater recycling system at the workshop! I get it all running beautifully, but don't find anything that I can put hand on heart and say that it was definitely the problem, apart from the old pump being damp internally but still running as long as it was on a non rcd circuit!! I shall dry it out and keep it as a spare. We spent Monday and Tueasday(in the rain) dismantling and transporting another dog run from the next village (2 miles away) to Langtoft and start to level for the base, luckily this is a steel bolt together affair which we will complete next week, and then NO MORE KENNELS!! back onto field work, which means more time in the workshop now that the monsoon has started! The humidity turns us into slow motion workers! 
Phil, in the outdoor sauna in East Yorkshire!

RE: My week this week! My workshop videos! - hermetic - 08-05-2023

Hi All This week a mixed bag! I went to Murton park and Yorkshire Farming museum, and had a ride on the Derwent Valley Light Railway, which was fun, and in good weather too! IOn the field at Wicani Farm we get the kennel base finished, but not before the tractor gets stuck in the mud! The field is so soft it is like driving on wet sponge caker! Due to inclement weather I also get some time in the workshop to begin another lovolite rebuild! 
Phil, in the East Yorkshire Rainforest.

RE: My week this week! My workshop videos! - hermetic - 08-12-2023

Hi All
This week I get the last coat of paint on the LoVolite and leave it to bake off in the workshop we get all the bits of the new kennel transported up the field, assembled and finished, and even get the roof on! So whats left to do? Everything!, no seriously we need to put felt and gutter on the  large kennel block and then the whole project is finished and we can get back onto the field clearance which is what we started on! We have another unexpected fly in the ointment though, Keiths car clutch, which john and I replaced only a couple of months ago, has failed! John reckons the (brand new) clutch cover spring has failed! I will keep you informed of the outcome!  the areas we cut with the Fordson are ready for another cut, so that will be next weeks first job, unless we are car hunting, or in the workshop if wet! Thanks for watching and don't forget to like, comment and subscribe!
Phil, East Yorkshires been HOT this week and so humid!